We’re going to need a bigger plow – Snow saga part II

This Saga continues with the same circumstances in a different year….

Last year I traveled to my hometown of State College for Christmas, and returned at New Years to a pile of snow in Big Timber.  The plow came to clear my lane and I was able to drive in, but then the wind started.  Different storm, different drifts, same problem of an impassible lane! Sonny bunny is in the pic to the right. I waited impatiently for the lane to be plowed again.  A day went by. The next day I saw a plow at the end, beginning to clear the top of the lane.  Then he stopped and sat there at the top.  And sat there.  And left.  Left!  What? 

I pulled over on the Old Boulder Road during one of the storms to share what some of the drifting looks like.  It’s mesmerizing isn’t it?  And kind of scary…..
This is what the plow was dealing with at the top of the lane. I walked up at sunset to investigate and took a pic.

It’s hard to appreciate how high this mound of snow is – this is a LOT of snow. The plow just couldn’t get through it and ended up pushing it up into a high mountainous pile.  The drifts were so packed the plow couldn’t handle it.

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