Time for a sunset pick-me-up

The colors!

I could have reduced the size of the above photo, but I just didn’t want to – it gives you an idea of the expanse of the sky here.  Breathe it in.  Look as if you are standing right there in the glow of the setting sun.  Smell the sage brush and hear the calls of the Western Meadowlark.  Montana is to be experienced with the senses as much as with the eye.

If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find the one thread of universal love that ties all beings together.

— Mata Amritanandamayi

One thought on “Time for a sunset pick-me-up

  1. Spectacular!! Holy tamole just stunning, Jode! What I love is that without the clouds, there would be nothing for the setting sun to reflect off of – and look at all that glorious reflection!

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