The quintessential Montana birthday gift

A girlfriend who hunts and processes her own meat gave me this wonderful care package.

You’ve got your Elk stew meat, your Elk round steak, some dear steak, and some deer and antelope ground meat.  I also just found in my freezer a package of deer loin chops that were excellent in my stir fry last night!  Most locals I know eat meat mainly from hunting that is stored in their freezer (most people have an extra freezer).  I’m happy to have a close friend who is generous in sharing the wild game she so expertly hunts.


One thought on “The quintessential Montana birthday gift

  1. Most of us will never in a lifetime see that in our freezer, let alone eat it! One of those truly Montana experiences! I loved going into the grocery stores in Livingston and finding things I could never find at home in New York. Still want more of that Raspberry and Vanilla jam from Boseman, it is THE BEST!

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