The Big Timber Pioneer (Sheriff’s Report explanation)

We have a weekly paper in Big Timber called the Pioneer. Included each week is an “On the Record” section. I call it the Sheriff’s Report. There is a “Complaints” section which includes details of the goings on during the week – every fine detail! ALL of the calls that have come in to the Sheriff’s office are included. I have combed through years of papers to bring you some highlights of small town life in Montana.

The Sheriff’s Report reminds me of the “News of the Weird” section of the City Paper when I lived in DC. News of the Weird was always worth a good laugh. Hopefully this will offer the same to you!

Let’s start with the 12/1/16 paper…..juggling?

Nov. 23 – A caller reported a red pickup parked in the median of 1-90 mile marker 359 with green bags laying around. The reporting party said a man appeared to be juggling nearby. Dispatch notified two sheriff’s officers. A wrecker also responded to assist with a blown tire.