So I bought a sled – Snow Saga part III

Part II ended with a mound of snow at the end of my already impassible lane. I called friends at Roe Construction.  Chip explained that the plow had been sliding down the hill at the top, and he was afraid of getting stuck.  They had to bring a bigger plow the next day. When he DID finally get a very narrow path cleared (I wish I had a picture!) it was like a luge – just wide enough for my Jeep, and when I drove through the pile at the top of the lane, the snow was higher than the roof of the car! It was really something.

To review, there are times when my lane is drifted in, and I park my car on the road and trek back and forth from the house to my car for work, etc. That’s me below, carrying my bag for the weekend when we were going cross country skiing. The house is down the lane behind me. This is yet another time later last year that the lane was drifted in, and below shows my second trip lugging stuff to my friend who was waiting in her car. She took the pic. I had worked up a sweat and the skiing hadn’t even started!

At the brilliant suggestion of my sister Kim, I bought a sled to aid my efforts in lugging things up and down the lane – I mean, I had done a big grocery run. I needed a better system.  Voila!  This is when I returned from the ski weekend.

Most of the winter the snow is manageable, and when the sun shines after a good snow the land around is a spectacular white and the sky seems even more blue.  In the picture below with Sonny on the lane, you can just make out the moon in the upper left sky. 

You work with what you’ve got and adapt when you need to.  I’m always thankful for my cozy little house, and wood to burn in the stove (and marshmallows for roasting).  Living here I feel Mother Nature daily.  It is more work than other places I’ve lived, but I’ve found it helps to look for the little or big pieces of beauty – even during the storms or the wind. There are always animals to spot, or their tracks, or a new spectacle at the river. It makes the challenges that come with the land more manageable.  Also an adorable Corgi or a cute kitty help enormously during those long winter months. 

And now, ON TO SPRING!!!

5 thoughts on “So I bought a sled – Snow Saga part III

  1. What an amazing – and often challenging – life you guys live out there! But of course the reward for all the hard work you do just to maintain day by day, is the beauty you talk about all around you. I can definitely see how the bounty of nature and the awesome skyscapes make it all worth it.

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