Snowy Mountain Moon

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?

–Oscar Wilde

I spend a lot of time looking up when I’m outside.  Pretty much wherever I am, especially in the evening hours and at dark.  And in Montana it’s prime sky watching territory! Even so I know there is a lot I miss.  Early this evening the moon was so large and clear, it caused me to take a breath and be still a minute, then take a walk to the river while it hung in the sky behind me. 

One early winter night I stepped out of the house to get a fresh breath of air before bed – I looked directly up to where I knew Orion would be standing (during early winter I can first see him just outside my front door, then he heads to the West so he’s visible about 4:00am out my bathroom window).  Right when I looked up, a big shooting star went right down his middle.  I stood there a minute amazed, then gave thanks.  It was a message, I wasn’t sure what, but it felt like it was for me.

This photo was taken a few years back while I lived on a ranch north of town.  These are the Crazy Mountains you see, and I’m pretty sure I took this photo in the morning on my way to work. 

2 thoughts on “Snowy Mountain Moon

  1. I envy your vast expanse of sky! Amazing photo. I do cherish my small heavenly window in our wooded spot, where I nightly watch the seasonal change of the few constellations within view. Even those take my breath. The Big Dipper is overhead presently. My favorite, the baby dipper, is hiding in the trees somewhere…

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