
Photos in snowy sunshine

I came outside this afternoon when the snow stopped falling and the sun bounced off the bright white of the snow.
The old barn is always picturesque in the snow, especially with the yellow willows.

This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.

–Maya Angelou

The quiet of a snowstorm

The snow has been falling all weekend, peaceful and quiet, blanketing the landscape. The stillness seems magnified during these snows. It calls me out into it, to witness the peacefulness that has been created.

Here is a video from a few winters ago, when Henry the stray barn cat was hanging around.

Snowy Mountain Moon

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?

–Oscar Wilde

I spend a lot of time looking up when I’m outside.  Pretty much wherever I am, especially in the evening hours and at dark.  And in Montana it’s prime sky watching territory! Even so I know there is a lot I miss.  Early this evening the moon was so large and clear, it caused me to take a breath and be still a minute, then take a walk to the river while it hung in the sky behind me. 

One early winter night I stepped out of the house to get a fresh breath of air before bed – I looked directly up to where I knew Orion would be standing (during early winter I can first see him just outside my front door, then he heads to the West so he’s visible about 4:00am out my bathroom window).  Right when I looked up, a big shooting star went right down his middle.  I stood there a minute amazed, then gave thanks.  It was a message, I wasn’t sure what, but it felt like it was for me.

This photo was taken a few years back while I lived on a ranch north of town.  These are the Crazy Mountains you see, and I’m pretty sure I took this photo in the morning on my way to work. 

Big Timber Sheriff’s Report 8

There are always reports of various animals, either wild or domestic, in the news here.  I live on the Old Boulder Road, and heard the cries of a mountain lion during my first Spring at the house.  And regarding livestock and animals, that post is no joke – unless it’s the livestock owner’s dog, you better make sure your pup steers clear!

The Pioneer 7/13/2017

  • 7/5 – A caller reported three goats missing on Main Boulder Rd.
  • A Main Boulder Road resident reported suspicious activity when a couple of men unknown to him stopped by his place and asked to borrow his chainsaw for a couple of days. The next day they were seen driving by the home very slowly several times.
  • The game warden was advised when a resident of Old Boulder Road reported a black and white Border Collie was harassing a baby deer. The caller stated if the animal chased the deer again he would shoot it.

The Pioneer 12/1/2016

  • 17 – A caller requested the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks game warden’s phone number to report a mountain lion in the Old Boulder Road area. Dispatch provided the phone number.

A morning ski

Cross country Skiing
A beautiful ski along the Boulder River behind my house.

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountaintop, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance. –Kahlil Gibran

My house is on the lane that goes to a fishing access and small campground on the Boulder River. You can walk or ski along the river for a nice stretch and it is always so peaceful! Well…..provided the wind isn’t howling. I had the whole place to myself this morning due to heavy snowfall and the lane not being plowed. It was a gift.

Sharing Lunch

Cattle and Deer
Two deer take advantage of fresh hay to join the bulls for lunch

There is no prescription for finding moments of gratitude in every day; there is simply the choice. –Gillian Deacon

Oh those bulls – what sweethearts, sharing so peacefully!

The Sheepherders

I live in Sweet Grass County. The high school is known as the Sheepherders. And yes, this is their mascot. Yep.

Evidently a few years ago there was discussion about the sheepherder and the fact that he is smoking – this is when Big Timber was getting a new water tower and the mascot would be going on the tower. I guess the vote was to keep this old guy as is. Is he fantastic or WHAT?!

Big Timber’s history is grounded in the sheep herding industry: in 1895 Big Timber had the largest wool market in the United States. There is a very strong Norwegian influence here, many residents are still of Norwegian descent and discussion of this permeates many conversations. There is much good humored banter about Norwegian characteristics and mannerisms. Lefse, a traditional soft Norwegian flat bread, is often made during the holidays.


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

–Albert Einstein

Have any of you had this experience?  You walk outside, look around, and every single thing is covered in tiny crystals – the world is white. Each blade of grass, each tree limb, each fence post. I didn’t know it was called Hoarfrost until I moved to Montana.  I’ve always seen it first thing in the morning, a transformed world where this frost has coated the landscape.  It feels magical! 

I walked out this morning to this very scene – a crystallized silvery white landscape! 

Big Timber Sheriff’s Report 7

Gone missing —

The Pioneer 6/23/2016

  • June 17 – A caller reported possibly seeing a missing male at the Reed Point gas station off 1-90. The reporting party said at one point the man was “buck naked” and changing clothes in the parking lot. An officer was advised.
  • A caller reported finding a yellow parakeet in a tree outside her home; the bird flew right to her and she placed it in a cage. Contact was made with the owner of the previous day’s missing bird, but it had already been found.

April 28/2018

  • An individual came into the sheriff’s office to report five head of black Angus yearlings missing on Highway 10 East. The individual was given the number for the state brand inspector.
  • 11/13/2018 – A caller reported three goats missing on Main Boulder Rd.

Snow angels on Thanksgiving

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. –Thornton Wilder

Thanksgiving morning a few friends and I took a walk at Dornix Park which includes trail by the Boulder River. Snow angels felt appropriate for the day! Giving thanks in many forms…