Just out of reach

Hope can neither be affirmed nor denied. Hope is like a path in the countryside: Originally there was no path – yet, as people are walking all the time in the same spot, a way appears.

–Lu Xun

I mean really!  Last year the deer ate not some, but ALL of the tops of my 14 lilac bushes last Spring (it was still winter in Montana) meaning no blooms at all. But I can’t hold a grudge.  This doe with the snow on her forehead, looking longingly up at the bird feeder on a sub-zero degree day.  This was last week, and it was work for all animals to get through the two feet of snow.  Eventually trails appeared that could be shared and make the going easier.  All life struggles with such severe weather.  Everyone is aware of the hardships of the many animals outside, both ones in the wild and in our care. 

This storm came at an extra troubling time, with many ranchers in the midst of calving or lambing.  Young ones can’t survive in such cold temps (several sub zero nights in a row, including -27 one night), requiring many adaptations to caring for the animals.  A hard job already becomes even more challenging.  You become quickly thankful for any warmth you enjoy, and any animals in your care that are safe and protected.

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