And when it comes to making the beautiful Ma nature has man beat all ways from the ace and that old lady still owns a lot of Montana.
–C.M. Russell
These are the Crazy Mountains. They are just North of Big Timber, and are often called the Crazies. To the South are the Absaroka & Beartooth Mountains – the ranch where I worked, Hawley Mountain Guest Ranch, is nestled deep in the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness area. Notice the sagebrush in the foreground of this picture – it is prevalent in lots of Sweet Grass County and smells so good!
Fun fact: Big Timber was named for the many cottonwood trees that lined the rivers close to town – the Yellowstone River just North, and the Boulder River which is South of town. Visit the Chamber of Commerce site at www.bigtimber.com to find out more about the area and the naming of the Crazy Mountains.