
Have you had the thrill of watching a skijoring competition? Many Western states embrace the sport throughout the winter, including Montana – it combines two essential activities of Montanans: horseback riding and skiing. Horse and rider race around a track at full speed, pulling a skier who goes through a course of jumps, gates and rings. I’ve attended two events, one in Bozeman, and one in Red Lodge (there wasn’t much snow that year in Red Lodge as you can see – it was a muddy mess!). It is really fun to watch and a great social event. Only in the West could you find this type of sport!!

A wintery sunset on the Boulder

Winter sunset on the Boulder River by my house

Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.”             Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky.


It is about a 5 minute walk to the river from my house. Every time I venture out, whether it is -2 degrees or a balmy 30, I am always rewarded by something spectacular. I may be looking up at the sky, looking at the V of some geese flying, see some deer or a rabbit or any number of things. I always stop at the river, take a deep breath, and give thanks. Thank you lungs for taking in this fresh air, thank you river full of life, thank you thank you for this day.


The world will offer itself freely to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

—Franz Kafka

Look at these Aspens!  So bright against that blue sky.  This family of trees is at the end of my lane.  They are a welcome part of dog walks and treks up to the road to get a better view of the sunset.  It feels good to touch them and say hello.  I’m so grateful to have this grove so close to where I live.  They hold inside their space a sense of calm and tranquility.