Bulls in Winter Storm

We had a week long storm last week, resulting in two feet of snow on the ground, and REALLY cold temps (it was -27 degrees last night).  On my walk (or hike through snow) to the river I saw the bulls sheltering from the storm.  It was dusk, so these pics are somewhat dark.  Those guys are so BIG.  They always just look at me calmly, like, “I wonder what she’s up to?.”

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

—Robert Louis Stevenson

2 thoughts on “Bulls in Winter Storm

  1. Hi Jodey:
    I love your stories and pictures. Question, what about the bulls, do they require more shelter from the storms there or can they survive without being in a barn.


  2. So glad you’re enjoying the blog Wendell!
    I’m not an expert, but these bulls definitely seem to utilize the lean-to at night and during some of the heavy snows. They are being fed regularly, and seem to be acclimated to Montana winters without the need for a barn. Around here, barns seem to be mostly used for cows and sheep who are giving berth. The young ones can’t survive in the cold we’ve been having recently – lots of nights of negative temps. It’s been a stressful and exhausting calving season for lots of ranches around here.

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