Big Timber Sheriff’s Report 4

These excerpts of “On the Record” from the Big Timber Pioneer weekly paper are from years ago when I managed at Hawley Mountain Ranch – I captured a few postings back then that I thought were noteworthy of life in our small Montana town.  Enjoy!

  • A resident of east Fourth Ave reported her collarless little black kitten with big green eyes was missing
  • Services were rendered when a caller requested an officer make sure the door of the Civic Center was locked.
  • An officer was unable to locate some kids hanging around between the car wash and storage units, “acting weird”.
  • An officer responded when a caller reported a U-Haul truck was all over the road in the westbound lane of I-90, mm387. The responder explained the man was trying to read a map and drive.
  • No action was ultimately required when a woman reported she had placed her wallet under the seat of her vehicle while doing some volunteer work; when she returned it was not there. She later called back to report she had found the wallet underneath the gas pedal of her car.

3 thoughts on “Big Timber Sheriff’s Report 4

    1. Thank you honey bunch! Stay tuned – posting another Sheriff’s Report this eve –

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