Big Timber Sheriff’s Report 2

6/8/17 Pioneer

…cows as playmates, an impaired sense of direction, and museum respite care…enjoy this installment of our weekly paper.

May 28 – An individual called to report their 2-year-old missing. The caller later reported they found the child playing in a field with some cows.

May 30 – A caller reported a possible driver under the influence on Big Timber Loop Road. The driver in question drove past a local gas station and did a U-turn. “It’s like he doesn’t know where he is going,” the caller stated. The driver was arrested.

May 31 – An employee at Crazy Mountain Museum stated there was an individual that was confused and didn’t know where they were or how they got there. The sheriff responded to the scene and found the individual’s spouse in the car who said their partner had Alzheimer’s and that they needed a break.