A wintery sunset on the Boulder

Winter sunset on the Boulder River by my house

Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.”             Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky.


It is about a 5 minute walk to the river from my house. Every time I venture out, whether it is -2 degrees or a balmy 30, I am always rewarded by something spectacular. I may be looking up at the sky, looking at the V of some geese flying, see some deer or a rabbit or any number of things. I always stop at the river, take a deep breath, and give thanks. Thank you lungs for taking in this fresh air, thank you river full of life, thank you thank you for this day.

2 thoughts on “A wintery sunset on the Boulder

  1. All of us need to take a deep breath occasionally to appreciate what we have around us. Sometimes hard to do in these frigid temperatures, but it’s still something we need to enjoy more. Beautiful photo, Jodey!

  2. Thank you Phyllis! I just went for a beautiful cross country ski by the river yesterday – it was cold enough that the river was still warmer than the air, but it was quiet with no wind, and so peaceful.

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