A Snow Saga, Part I. Snow, more snow, and drifts – oh the drifts!

My lane, looking up toward the county (gravel) road. The drifts look so graceful! But with time the snow hardens, and getting through drifts is a challenge to put it mildly.

This Thursday, March 28, the colored weather map on our local TV channel showed that while the rest of the state expected a few inches of snow, our area was pink, and indicated 3 to 10 inches of snow.  As we are on the brink of Spring here in Montana, I wanted to get in one story (of MANY) concerning the snow we get in these here parts of the USA. 

This Saga begins with 2 feet of snow blanketing Big Timber, all within 5 days.  Below is a morning photo I sent my sisters (there are 4 girls in our family).  They responded with comments like “so pretty!” and “you should put that one on your blog – the snow is beautiful.”  Mind you, what I was TRYING to convey was the trek I was going to make up to my car, to go to work! Can you see my Jeep up at the top of the lane? I packed a backpack with shoes, lunch, and clothes for my Zumba class I teach, and then donned full snow gear for the walk.  Snow shoes are on my list to buy!

Below, my jeep in other storms, showing examples of blowing snow.  And yes, you are correct, I was snowed in during these times and got a ride to work from a friend!  I do have a great company – Roe Construction – plow my lane (as do most of my neighbors – the plow just goes down the Old Boulder Road, turning in at each of our houses).  But they wait until the storm has ended it’s party of snow, and ideally until the wind has finished it’s flurry as well.

Stay tuned for Part II – a video and an alarming dilemma…..

2 thoughts on “A Snow Saga, Part I. Snow, more snow, and drifts – oh the drifts!

  1. Jode, I don’t know how you cope with the difficulties of snow life so well!
    Love your description/voice in your blog!! Keep it up! I wish I could be more like you!
    Love you my best friend!
    Amy Mac

    1. Thank you Amy! So glad you took a look – yes it’s an adventure for sure, but rarely boring!
      love you –

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